Welcome to the Rhode Island Judiciary! Many Rhode Islanders and visitors may find connection to the Office of Community Outreach and Public Relations as the first point of contact with the Rhode Island Judiciary. The Office of Community Outreach and Public Relations is an office of the Rhode Island Supreme Court located in the Licht Judicial Complex. The office conducts virtual and in person tours, fields media and information requests, and hosts community-based and civics education driven events throughout the Rhode Island community.
The office acts as the central communications hub for all of the courts within the Judiciary: Supreme Court; Superior Court; Family Court; District Court; Workers’ Compensation Court; and the Rhode Island Traffic Tribunal. Non-media personnel who wish to obtain information about specific cases or actions related to specific cases should contact the respective clerk of the court.
Press releases from the Rhode Island Judiciary can be found under "
If you would like to invite a judicial officer to participate in a speaking engagement, please see the contact information for the Assistant State Court Administrator for Community Outreach and Public Relations.
To learn more about the Judiciary’s civics initiatives or educational programs below, please see the tour request forms or email the office directly.
Educational programming includes, but is not limited to: Courthouse tours (virtual and in-person); Judiciary Education Employment Program (JEEP) collaboration; iCivics; and Riding the Circuit (the Supreme Court hears oral arguments at an educational institution once a year). "Riding the circuit" dates back to the 1700’s when judicial officers would ride, sometimes on horseback, from jurisdiction to jurisdiction to hear cases.
Please follow the Judiciary on X and LinkedIn for news and updates.